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Za izgradnjo zgradb in urjenje enot potrebujete surovine. Te surovine pridobivate avtomatično iz surovinskih polj (gozdar, glinokop in rudnik železa). Te surovine pridobivate tudi, ko niste prijavljeni.

Količina surovin, ki jo pridobivate je odvisna od stopnje stopnje surovinskih polj. Pomembno je tudi nadgraditi skladišče, da ne boste izgubili surovin, ki jih trenutno ne morete porabiti.


Število na desni kaže koliko vsake surovine se lahko shrani v skladišču. V tem primeru, je lahko shranjenih 400000 surovin, to pomeni 400000 lesa, 400000 gline, 400000 železa. Število na levi kaže koliko surovin je trenutno shranjenih.

Prvi koraki

Na začetku je najpomembnejša ena stvar: surovine. Gozdarska koča vas oskrbuje z lesom, glinokop z glino in rudnik železa z železom. Bolj kot jih razvijate, več surovin proizvajajo. V prvih dneh vam priporočamo, da se osredotočite na razvijanje teh stavb.

Medtem ko se boste posvečali proizvodnji surovin, ne pozabite na obrambo le-teh. Ni prijetno izgubiti surovin, za katere ste se tako močno in iz srca trudili. Prvi način, da jih ubranite, je izgradnja skrivališča. Večje, kot je skrivališče, več surovin lahko varno skrijete pred napadalci. Izgradnja skrivališča je še posebej pomembna, če imate okoli sebe velike igralce. Pomembno je tudi, da čim prej zgradite zid. Vsaka stopnja zidu pomeni, da napadalec izgubi več enot in s tem tudi profit.

Ko si ustvarite dobre pogoje, lahko začnete z gradnjo zgradb in s trgovanjem. V vojašnici (za to je potrebna mestna hiša stopnje 3) lahko začnete uriti sulice. Te enote niso posebej dobre v napadu, so pa pomembne za zgodnje plenjenje, saj lahko nosijo veliko surovin.

Če vam je trgovanje pomembno, potrebujete tržnico. Zato je potrebna mestna hiša stopnje 3 in skladišče stopnje 2. Hitro boste videli ponudbe vaših sosedov in lahko začeli ustvarjati svoje.

Sedaj si začnite ogledovati okolico in primerna plemena. Vedno je lažje braniti in napadati v skupinah. Je pa tudi lepa priložnost za spoznavanje prijaznih ljudi...

Late start

Should you join a world that has been going on for a while already it is recommended to change your strategy a bit. It is of course still important to get a good basic resource production so that it is possible to build up your village quickly. But you have to quickly start protecting your village. For that it is best to build up your wall and hiding place and also to build a few units. Writing your attacker can often help as well. It is always recommended to use the units you produced to plunder other villages. The plundered resources greatly help your growth.

Now we'll show you the biggest difference to the usual start:

Don't make the mistake to concentrate too much on creating your first nobleman. It might sound logical to try to get a second village as quick as possible but it does not help you if you can't defend your villages. If you only concentrate on the noblemen you are an easy target, and also a well liked target as bigger players would love to have a village that is already on the way to being ready to produce a noblemen itself. By that time that the attacks start coming in, it's usually too late.

The only strategy against this is a defensive strategy. This means creating lots of sword and spear fighters. If you create enough troops you are a very expensive target and they usually try to find an easier target. The morale also helps you if you are attacked by bigger players. A very big player loses up to 70% of his attack strength due to morale.

The security phase costs a lot of time, but it will pay out as well, as you can always use those defensive troops in the late game. Once you have a good defense build up, something like 1200 spears and 1200 swords, you can start thinking about a nobleman.

You will probably be able to tell how valuable that tactic was by looking at your neighbors villages ...

Village overview

The village overview give you a lot of information about your village on one page. You can see the size of your buildings, the current resource production, your troops and troop movements.

You can switch between the classical and the graphical village overview. The classical overview is a big advantage when you are on a slow Internet connection. If you have a premium account you will get a lot of very useful added information like the production in your buildings, the amount of merchants and the time when your warehouse will be full.

Here is also a labelled village overview that shows what the different buildings look like.

<a href="/wiki/File:Overview.png" class="image"><img alt="Overview.png" src="/images/5/59/Overview.png" width="600" height="420" class="thumbimage" /></a>

Buildings do change their appearance depending on their size. Here you can see when the buildings change their picture:

Building Level for second graphic Level for third graphic
Village Headquarters 5 15
Barracks 5 20
Stables 5 10
Workshop 5 10
Academy x x
Smithy 5 15
Rally point x x
Statue x x
Market 5 20
Timber camp 10 20
Clay pit 10 20
Iron mine 10 20
Farm 10 20
Warehouse 10 20
Hiding place x x
Wall 5 15

Change village name

<a href="/wiki/File:Changename.png" class="image"><img alt="Changename.png" src="/images/7/7c/Changename.png" width="279" height="65" class="thumbimage" /></a>

You can rename your village by going to the headquarters. On the bottom left under the buildings you see your currents village name, which you can edit and save with "change".

Construct buildings

If you want to construct a building, you have to click on the village headquarters and then click on "expansion to level X". You need the specified amount of wood, clay and iron. The exact amount depends on the kind of building and its level. The bigger you want to construct the building, the more resources are needed for the next level.

Additionally some buildings need other buildings at specific levels as requirement. As example, you can only build a market after you have constructed a warehouse up to a certain level. In the headquarters you see those requirements as well as the costs. You find more about that in the <a href="/wiki/Buildings" title="Buildings">Building overview</a>.

Recruiting units

You can recruit your first units in the barracks. To construct barracks you need to upgrade your headquarters to level 3. First you will only be able to build spear fighters; for other units you need e.g. a smithy and new buildings (such as the stables and workshop). In the <a href="/wiki/Units" title="Units">Unit overview</a> you can find a short description about the requirements for a certain unit and what its properties are.

<a href="/wiki/File:Recruiting_one.png" class="image"><img alt="" src="/images/6/66/Recruiting_one.png" width="184" height="176" class="thumbimage" /></a>
To recruit troops, you first need to click on your Barracks.

<a href="/wiki/File:Recruiting_two.png" class="image"><img alt="" src="/images/9/90/Recruiting_two.png" width="575" height="321" class="thumbimage" /></a>
Then, simply type in the number of desired troops and click Recruit.