Plemena: Razlika med redakcijama
Brez povzetka urejanja |
Brez povzetka urejanja |
Vrstica 47: | Vrstica 47: | ||
= | = Plemenske veščine = | ||
== General information == | == General information == |
Redakcija: 12:02, 9. marec 2019
Ustanovitelj plemena
To naredi tega igralca ustanovitelja plemena. S tem ima vse pravice in privilegije v plemenu, lahko ga razpusti, mu zamenja ime in nastavitve ter nastavlja pravice drugih članov plemena.
Teh pravic nikoli ne dajajte brez premisleka. Brez težav je s temi pravicami razpustiti pleme ali vzeti privilegije in pravice ostalim ustanoviteljem plemena.
Plemensko vodstvo
Člani plemenskega vodstva, lahko spreminjajo pravice članov plemena in jih celo vržejo iz plemena. Pravice jim lahko dajo le knezi. Te pravice je potrebno razdajati previdno, saj lahko nekdo s temi pravicami preprosto iz plemena vrže vse igralce.
Igralec lahko povabi nove člane.
Igralec lahko spreminja profil plemena in ustvarja zavezništva in nenapadalne pakte.
Igralec lahko pošilja sporočila celotnemu plemenu.
Moderator plemenskega foruma
To igralcu omogoča spreminjanje in brisanje prispevkov na forumu.
Skriti forumi
Igralec lahko vidi skrite forume in forume za zaupanja vredne člane, ki jih navadni člani ne morejo videti.
Zaupanja vreden član
Igralec lahko vidi forume za zaupanja vredne člane, ne pa tudi skritih forumov.
Zapusti pleme
Če nisi več zadovoljen s plemenom, ga je vedno možno zamenjati ali ustvariti novega. Iz plemena odideš tako, da klikneš na "zapusti pleme", ki se nahaja takoj nad notranjimi obvestili.
Najdi pleme
V tej igri je timsko delo zelo pomembno, zato je važno, da čim prej najdete pleme, ki se mu želite pridružiti. Za nove igralce je priporočljivo, da se pridružijo že obstoječim plemenom, kjer se lahko hitro naučijo osnov igre. Ko si pridobijo več izkušenj, lahko ustanovijo tudi svoje pleme. Če nimate izkušenj, ni priporočljivo ustanavljati svojega plemena. Tukaj je nekaj napotkov za izbiro dobrega plemena:
Ponavadi ni priporočljivo kontaktirati najboljših plemen, saj ti običajno ne sprejemajo novih članov.
Pleme, ki se mu želite pridružiti, naj bo čim bližje vaši vasi. Razdalja igra veliko vlogo v igri. Če je prevelika, je skoraj nemogoče braniti ostale člane plemena. Taka plemena lahko najdete preko razvrstitve plemen po kontinentih.
Plemenske veščine
General information
With this feature joining a tribe and remaining within it's ranks will grant you benefits to help you in the wars ahead. After joining a tribe a player will be rewarded with Prestige every week and can do
Prestige can be used to boost your villages and/or troops, or can be donated to the tribe to unlock even more bonuses and make the current ones more powerful.
You can access the Tribe Skills via the entry "Tribe" in the main menu and then select "Levels".
Prestige is the currency used to activate the skills or can be donated to increase the level of the tribe. Currently you can get Prestige every week. The amount you get depends on the time you have been a member of the tribe. Long time members will have more weekly prestige to spend than newcomers. Prestige can be accumulated and saved for a later date but upon leaving the tribe the saved prestige will be lost.
You can also get Prestige by doing the Tribe Quests.
Currently there are seven skills to choose from. Each gives a bonus to a specific aspect of the game and can be activated in return for some prestige points. The skills are unlocked by reaching a specific tribe level and their power increases with the tribe level. The skills are active instantly and shown on the right hand side of the screen.
Graphic | Skill | Effect | Cost |
Slika:Skill1.png | Friendship | Incoming support sent while this is active will travel x% faster. Has no effect on previously dispatched support. | 50 Prestige |
Slika:Skill2.png | Fast looting | Attacks sent to barbarian villages will travel x% faster. | 70 Prestige |
Slika:Skill3.png | Overtime | +x% Wood, clay and iron production | 100 Prestige |
Slika:Skill4.png | Technocracy | All construction speeds are increased by x%! | 100 Prestige |
Slika:Skill5.png | Conscription | All recruitment speeds are %d%% faster! | 100 Prestige |
Slika:Skill6.png | Vanguard | +x% attack power for axeman, light cavalry and mounted archers | 140 Prestige |
Slika:Skill7.png | King's Guard | +x% defense power for spear fighter, swordsmen and archers | 140 Prestige |
Each tribe member can freely choose which of the available skills they want to activate for their own villages. A countdown and a progress bar indicate indicate how long the skill will be active.
Tribe Levels
The tribe level dictates which skills are unlocked for the members as well as the power of the unlocked skills. To increase the level tribe members will need to donate some of their prestige to the tribe to increase the tribe's experience points (XP) or if the tribe is rewarded for fulfilling the
. When reaching the necessary amount of XP the tribe level will increase.
While a tribe can never have less than zero XP, tribes can loose some XP when kicking players.
- The amount of XP a tribe looses depends on how long the player has been a member of the tribe and the amount of members the tribe currently has.
- If a tribe looses a level by kicking members the previously unlocked skills will be locked until the requirement is reached again.
- Players leaving a tribe will not deduct any XP from the tribe, but the leaving player will lose his Prestige.
- If a tribe is dissolved all players will lose their Prestige.
- Kicking inactive players will also not deduct any tribe Prestige.
- The amount of XP lost for kicking a player will be shown in a tool-tip.
Required XP to unlock a level depending on the tribe member limit
Level | Member limit | |||
10 | 20 | 30 | 40+ | |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
3 | 246 | 492 | 739 | 985 |
4 | 417 | 834 | 1.251 | 1.668 |
5 | 606 | 1.213 | 1.819 | 2.425 |
6 | 810 | 1.621 | 2.431 | 3.241 |
7 | 1.027 | 2.054 | 3.081 | 4.108 |
8 | 1.255 | 2.510 | 3.765 | 5.020 |
9 | 1.493 | 2.986 | 4.479 | 5.971 |
10 | 1.740 | 3.480 | 5.220 | 6.959 |
11 | 1.995 | 3.991 | 5.986 | 7.981 |
12 | 2.258 | 4.517 | 6.775 | 9.034 |
13 | 2.529 | 5.058 | 7.587 | 10.116 |
14 | 2.806 | 5.612 | 8.419 | 11.225 |
15 | 3.090 | 6.180 | 9.270 | 12.360 |
16 | 3.380 | 6.760 | 10.140 | 13.520 |
17 | 3.676 | 7.352 | 11.028 | 14.703 |
18 | 3.977 | 7.955 | 11.932 | 15.909 |
19 | 4.284 | 8.568 | 12.852 | 17.136 |
20 | 4.596 | 9.192 | 13.788 | 18.384 |
Total | 40.285 | 80.575 | 120.862 | 161.145 |
User Interface
Number | Description |
1 | Current tribe level |
2 | Tribe TAG |
3 | Progress bar showing the current and required XP to reach the next level |
4 | Button to spend Prestige to your tribe (XP are increased accordingly) |
5 | Your current Prestige |
6 | Indication of the Prestige a player will receive after the countdown expires |
7 | Remaining time to fulfill the current Tribe Quests |
8 | The players and tribes progress for the current quest and the Prestige that will be rewarded for it |
9 | Skills (available Skills are highlighted) |
10 | Active Skills |
Tribe Quests
Each week the members of a tribe will get a random quest to gain additional Prestige. Each of these quests is divided into 3 milestones.
The players will get these quests as icons similar to the known quests. Those tribe quests show the individual targets for each player and not those for the tribe.
While the overall goals of the quests are limited, the target amounts (e.g. buildings to be constructed) scale with the time each player has been playing on the world.
For every milestone a player reaches he will be rewarded with Prestige immediately after reaching it. If a player reached all milestones, he has to wait for the next tribe quest. The tribe will be rewarded with Prestige when the timer for the current quest expires. hich is calculated by the average of all the tribe members' progress. The progress is measured by the milestones all tribe members reached. Not participating, or failing to reach the first milestone in the active quest is calculated as "0" (no milestone). The tribe progress is visualized on the Tribe Skills screen.
How to read the graphic:
- Tribe progress between 1 and 2: All tribe members reached the first milestone.
- Tribe progress 2: All tribe members reached the second milestone and so on.
- Following that a tribe will get no Prestige if no member reached the first milestone.
Please remember: The milestones for each quest depend on the time a player is playing on a world. So player can have different milestones.
Currently 6 tribe quests are available which will be activated randomly for each tribe.
Quest | Description | Hints |
Recruit units (population) | Recruit units in any of your villages until you reach the required population usage |
Defeat units (population) | Defeat units (by population usage) either in offensive or defensive battles |
Spend resources | Spend resources anywhere in the game to complete this goal |
Attack barbarians (minimum 20 pop) | Attack barbarian villages ensuring that the attack consists of at least 20 population |
Loot resources | Loot resources from other villages | - |
Construct buildings | You can construct buildings in your Village Headquarters |
=== Tribe Quests ===
Each week the members of a tribe will get a random quest to gain additional Prestige. Each of these quests is divided into 3 milestones.
The players will get these quests as icons similar to the known quests. Those tribe quests show the individual targets for each player and not those for the tribe.
While the overall goals of the quests are limited, the target amounts (e.g. buildings to be constructed) scale with the time each player has been playing on the world.
For every milestone a player reaches he will be rewarded with Prestige immediately after reaching it. If a player reached all milestones, he has to wait for the next tribe quest. The tribe will be rewarded with Prestige when the timer for the current quest expires. hich is calculated by the average of all the tribe members' progress. The progress is measured by the milestones all tribe members reached. Not participating, or failing to reach the first milestone in the active quest is calculated as "0" (no milestone). The tribe progress is visualized on the Tribe Skills screen.
How to read the graphic:
- Tribe progress between 1 and 2: All tribe members reached the first milestone.
- Tribe progress 2: All tribe members reached the second milestone and so on.
- Following that a tribe will get no Prestige if no member reached the first milestone.
Please remember: The milestones for each quest depend on the time a player is playing on a world. So player can have different milestones.
Currently 6 tribe quests are available which will be activated randomly for each tribe.
Quest | Description | Hints |
Recruit units (population) | Recruit units in any of your villages until you reach the required population usage |
Defeat units (population) | Defeat units (by population usage) either in offensive or defensive battles |
Spend resources | Spend resources anywhere in the game to complete this goal |
Attack barbarians (minimum 20 pop) | Attack barbarian villages ensuring that the attack consists of at least 20 population |
Loot resources | Loot resources from other villages | - |
Construct buildings | You can construct buildings in your Village Headquarters |